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Understanding Mental Health First Aid and Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace NCFE Level 2 Certificate

Around 450 million people currently experience mental health problems, with recent reports suggesting that over 12 million working days were lost due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in just one year. It’s important that employers are transparent and open about mental health issues, and this qualification builds an understanding of mental health problems and the support available to colleagues. Increasing the understanding of mental health of staff at all levels builds a culture of care and support.

Key Information

  • Course Level

    Level 2

  • Duration

    11 weeks to complete

Apply or Enquire

• Achieve a nationally recognised Level 2 qualification
• Evidence your competency to employers
• Further your personal and professional development
• Learn at a time that suits you without the need to attend college
• Increase your understanding of mental health and how to support people in the workplace

Financial Support

Depending on your situation, you may be able to access a range of financial support available.

Course Fees


fully Funded


Apply or enquire about this course

Please use the following links to make an enquiry about this course.

Make an enquiry Call 01724 294040