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Level 1 in Essential Digital Skills

The purpose of this qualification is to allow learners to demonstrate understanding of, and competency in, the essential digital skills they need for life. It will enable learners to engage with digital services and products in everyday life.


  • Achieve a nationally recognised qualification
  • opportunity to demonstrate their competence and knowledge in a wide range of digital services and products.
  • Further your personal and professional development
  • Ensure you understand the concept of digital Skills
  • Learn at a time that suits you without the need to attend college

Our courses are completed in class with Tutor support and can be continued at home for additional learning.  We ask that you attend classes for 3 weeks prior to your exam to carry out the practice, so your tutor can assess if you are ready for the exam.

Assessment is the process of measuring a learner’s skill, knowledge and understanding against the standards set in a qualification.   This qualification is externally set, internally marked and externally quality assured.  The assessment consists of 2 components – there are 59 marks available in total.

The qualifications are awarded at a pass. The result for learners who do not meet the required standard for a pass will be recorded as a failure.

Your tutor is available by email, or phone during office hours if you need support with your studies.

To study the course at home, you need to have a suitable device such as a laptop, a desktop computer, or a tablet such as an iPad.

 Please note: It is not possible to complete the courses on a mobile phone as they are not compatible with our learning platform.

On successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate from NCFE, awarding body, confirming your achievement.

Key Information

  • Course Level

    Level 1

  • Delivery


  • Duration

    Approximately 6 Months, 3 hour session per week

Apply or Enquire

For you to gain your full certificate in Essential Digital Skills Entry 3, you need to complete the learning materials for all 5 mandatory units and pass the final exam.

The units you will cover are as follows:

  1. Using devices and handling information
  2. Creating and editing
  3. Communicating
  4. Transacting
  5. Being safe and responsible online

There is a single controlled assessment for this qualification.

Each of these assessments comprises 2 sections: section A (knowledge) and section B (skills).  Controlled assessments are administered under specified assessment conditions, and last for the following durations:

Level 1

Section A (knowledge) 25 Minutes

Section B (Skills) 120 Minutes

Total Time 145 Minutes

Section A is computer marked and section B is internally assessed and internally quality assured by Centre staff and externally quality assured by NCFE External Quality Assurance Consultants (EQACs).

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification.

Learners can progress in a number of ways:

  • developing skills at a higher level by moving up the level of qualification from Level 1 to Level 2
  • progressing to employment where they can apply their digital and IT knowledge and skills

Financial Support

Depending on your situation, you may be able to access a range of financial support available.

Course Fees


Fully Funded.


Apply or enquire about this course

Please use the following links to make an application or enquiry about this course.




Apply online Make an enquiry Call 0800 358 7575