Posted: 27/08/2021

DN Colleges Group has joined a national initiative to help its staff and students support and connect with local communities.
The Good for ME Good for FE campaign aims to generate £1m of social value via a sustainable programme of community action including volunteering, fundraising and charitable partnerships.
Over 100 colleges have already joined the campaign which builds on the huge success of FE Foodbank Friday. This saw colleges around the country come together during the pandemic to raise over £47,000 and collect more than 20,000 items for local foodbanks.
With demand for Foodbanks remaining high, this strand of activity will continue as part of Good for Me Good for FE, to ensure that communities continue to be supported with basic food needs.
In addition, staff and students who are keen to undertake voluntary and fundraising activities will be supported to do so. There is a strong link between volunteering and improved mental health* – a current key priority for colleges and their staff following such a challenging year.
Chief Executive Officer Mick Lochran, says:
“DN Colleges Group is proud to be working with colleges across the country to support our communities in maximising social capital.
As anchor institutions in their distinct communities both North Lindsey and Doncaster colleges have long standing partnerships and working relationships with the third sector and the Good for Me Good for FE initiative will be a catalyst to think more strategically about how we can work together to support the most disadvantaged in our communities.”
The campaign is being spearheaded by London South East Colleges, East Coast College and Loughborough College. A list of colleges involved can be found here:
For any other colleges wanting to get involved with Good for Me Good for FE or to find out more, contact Andrew Cox at London South East Colleges on or call 020 3954 4607