Are you wanting to get back into college, not sure who to speak to, what to do, where to go? No worries, our doors are still open!
We have loads of activities you can take part in to get back into the college life and feel more comfortable about studying here. Why not join us and get a taste of what we have to offer from courses to checking out some our fantastic facilities, support services and great people, all who are ready and waiting to help you find out who you want to be in 2023.
From 21st February, you can join use every week on a skills development day at college, this is to help you relax, settle in and gain some of those important skills needed achieve your career aspirations!
It is a great opportunity to meet the brilliant staff, get used to college before you start your full programme of study in September.
What do you I need to do?
Complete the form with your name, contact details and the area that you’re interested in joining and we’ll contact you to get you started.