Posted: 14/07/2021

DN Colleges Group (DNCG) has been awarded the Blended Learning Consortium (BLC) Impact award due to their positive impact on learning outcomes.
The Blended Learning Consortium (BLC) was set up to support colleges in moving forward to meet accredited guidelines and allow members to benefit from the creation and sharing of FE specific resource for different learning levels and subject areas.
This fantastic achievement saw DNCG, which comprises of Doncaster College and University Centre, North Lindsey College and the UCNL, rated as number one out of 150 other providers. Institutions access and share with other BLC members their excellent work to demonstrate the positive impact the resources have on learning outcomes.
To be successful, Colleges had to demonstrate how BLC materials were used to support learning during lockdown, how learners benefitted from using BLC materials and how BLC materials impacted on factors such as learner engagement, participation and success.
Amy Hollier (Director of Blended & Online Learning, Blended Learning Consortium) said, “The Blended Learning Consortium are delighted to award the BLC Learning Impact Award 2021 to DN Colleges Group. The team demonstrated institution-wide impact through the innovative use of the Blended Learning Consortium learning resources in their submission. The Blended Learning Consortium comprises of 151 FE colleges across the UK and takes a democratic voting approach to awarding the winner to further encourage the sharing of best practice. This makes it even more special to be voted for by sector peers. Huge congratulationsto all staff and students across the DN Colleges Group and keep up the great work!”
Phil Whitehead (Digital Teaching and Learning Manager at DN Colleges Group) was the steering group behind the project and said, “I am thrilled to see DN Colleges group win the BLC Impact award. The award demonstrates how we have used online learning modules to support our students during lockdown. It goes to show just how hard our staff have worked to continue using digital technologies to improve the learning outcomes of students and continue the fantastic education they provide regardless of the circumstances. The award shows not only have DN Colleges staff risen to the challenges presented by moving to learn completely online but surpassed it. It is a great honour as Digital Learning Manager to be recognised for my input but without my fantastic team and the drive and determination of all staff none of this would have been possible.”