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Excellence in Leadership

Welcome, introductions, objectives and agenda; Emotional Intelligence and The Leader; The Power of Leadership; Exploring Organisational Climate; Leaders Create a Climate for Success; Case study activity: Climate and Styles Case Analysis; Action Planning, review and close.

Key Information

  • Course Level

    Level 2

  • Duration

    1 day

Apply or Enquire

  • Emotional Intelligence and The Leader
  • The power of leadership – exploring six leadership styles
  • Exploring the six dimensions of ‘organisational climate’ and how they impact on individual performance
  • Leaders create a climate for success
  • Case study activity: climate and styles case analysis
  • Action planning, review and close.

Financial Support

Depending on your situation, you may be able to access a range of financial support available.

Course Fees


We do not currently have fee information available for this course. Please contact us for further information.


Apply or enquire about this course

Please use the following links to make an enquiry about this course.

Make an enquiry Call 01724 294040