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Advanced Excel

The course covers some of the advanced features which Excel has available to its users.

The last section of the workshops gives you the opportunity to work on Excel in relation to your specific work related requirements. You may have a spreadsheet which is not fit for purpose, or is too complicated to understand. You may have ‘inherited’ a spreadsheet from a colleague who is no longer with your company, or you may be using a process which is pen/paper/calculator based and could be converted into Excel.
Please bring your queries to the workshop, and be prepared to outline your requirement to the other delegates on the course and to devise a solution for each scenario.

Key Information

  • Course Level

    Level 2

  • Delivery


  • Duration

    1 day, 9.00 am - 4.00 pm

Apply or Enquire

The course covers –

  • Conditional Formatting Using Formulas
  • Format Using a Formula – Check One Column
  • Format Using a Formula – Check the Whole Column
  • Apply to Whole Row
  • Apply Across Columns
  • Sorting Coloured Cells to the Top
  • Conditional Formatting to Text
  • Use of Sparklines
  • Create a Sparkline
  • Change the Style of, or Format Sparklines
  • Timeline Slicer
  • Create a Time Slicer
  • Filter the Data
  • Formulas / Functions INDEX/MATCH
  • Logical Operators – IF, AND, OR and NOT
  • NESTED IF Data
  • Data Validation with Formulas
  • Variable Length Named Ranges
  • What If – Scenario Manager, Goal Seek, Data Table
  • Forecast Sheet

Financial Support

Depending on your situation, you may be able to access a range of financial support available.

Course Fees


We do not currently have fee information available for this course. Please contact us for further information.


Apply or enquire about this course

Please use the following links to make an enquiry about this course.

Make an enquiry Call 01724 294040