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Level 3 Diploma for the Early Years Workforce (Early Years Educator) Cache/NCFE

This is aimed at 19+ who want to work within an Early Years setting. This is designed for people who are currently working or who are working voluntarily in a Day care setting.

The course will run on a Tuesday Evening 5:00-7:00 – attendance will be every 2 weeks; therefore, you will attend 2 sessions each month, One will be in college and One will be online through teams.

You will be expected to complete course work and have time to study from home to meet deadlines.

The course will start in the second week of October 2024, the length of programme will be 18 months.

Key Information

  • Course Level

    Level 3

  • Delivery


  • Duration

    18 Months

Apply or Enquire

Theme 1: Health and well-being
Theme 2: Legislation, frameworks and professional practice
Theme 3: Play, development and learning for school readiness

To gain this qualification the learner will need to:
• Pass all units 23 in total
• Complete longitudinal study
• Show competence in a real work, these will consist of a variety of written evidence and observation of practice

You need to have GCSE English at Grade C/4 or above or equivalent.

If you are a manager completing the EYE you will also be required to have Maths GCSE C/4 or equivalent prior to starting.

It is not possible to study these alongside as the course is too demanding.

You must be currently working in an Early Years setting or have a placement set up 4 weeks prior to the start of the course, if you are voluntary, you will be required to complete a minimum of 5 hours each week, you will need to meet the qualification minimum hours for placement of 350 hours over the 18 month duration.

If you are currently employed, then you will already have your DBS.

If you are seeking a placement then you will either have to pay for your own a DBS or your setting may pay for this for you. It is not the colleges responsibility to pay for your DBS.

Assistant in Children’s Centres
• Practitioner in nursery schools
• Practitioner in reception classes in primary schools
• Pre-school worker

Financial Support

Depending on your situation, you may be able to access a range of financial support available.

Course Fees


See Additional Costs for further information on fees.

Additional Costs

This course is part of the Free Courses For Jobs Offer, the course will be free to the student;

  • if you have not previously achieved a full level 3
  • if you have already achieved a full level 3, but are unemployed and on certain benefits OR on a low wage (less than £25,000 gross p.a. if live in SYMCA) This is funded by the national Skills Fund
  • If you have not already been funded via Free Courses for Jobs Offer.

If you do not meet this criteria then the Advanced Learner Loan can be applied for https://www.gov.uk/advanced-learner-loan

Student can also pay for the course, which is £2,882, which can be split into instalments.


Apply or enquire about this course

Please use the following links to make an application or enquiry about this course.




Apply online Make an enquiry Call 0800 358 7575