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Level 2 Business Support CG Diploma

This practical based training is ideal preparation for gaining employment in business support roles or further specialist study. This qualification is suitable if you are 16 years old, or over.

You don’t need any previous knowledge or experience to start this qualification. You will gain an understanding of the skills and knowledge that are important when you are working in a business support setting, or progressing to further learning and training in this area.

Key Information

  • Course Level

    Level 2

  • Delivery


  • Duration

    1 year

Apply or Enquire

This qualification covers the core skills and activities that a junior administrator would undertake in a business support role. You will gain an understanding of:

• key business processes
• financial transactions
• maintaining office supplies
• digital marketing and how to produce promotional materials that support a business profile
• communication with colleagues and customers
• procedures and documentation and the ability to use business software needed for support to be effective

What are the units of study?

The qualification has been organised into four strands, each relating to how you can support a business to achieve its aims:

• Business improvement – how to measure success and how to support activities to enable that to happen
• Business communication – an essential element of the role whether providing customer service or producing documentation
• Business efficiency – working to established processes and ensuring information is secure and available
• Business profiles – supporting the business to ensure the way it is seen by its customers represents the aims and values of the business

Employer Involvement

Local employers will contribute to the knowledge and delivery of training. Support for your learning, may include:
• structured work-experience or work-placements within their business
• your attendance at classes or lectures given by industry experts
• employers input into projects and exercises, or are involved with setting assessments and
• employers who act as ‘expert witnesses’ to contribute to the assessment of your work

Will the qualification lead to employment, and if so, in which job role and at what level?

This qualification provides opportunities to gain employment, including an apprenticeship and in job roles supporting business activities. Typically, these jobs might be:

• Receptionist
• Junior Administrator
• Assistant Business Support Officer
• Administrative Assistant

You might find these jobs in industry sectors such as finance, retail, health, manufacturing and public services. The underpinning knowledge gained from this qualification would support you to progress into roles with more autonomy and responsibility as you gain experience.

If you wish to continue studies, progression internally will be dependent on grades achieved, Course Leader feedback and an attendance record above 90%.


How is this qualification assessed?

All assessments are set by City & Guilds. The qualification is assessed by:

• externally marked exam
• synoptic assignment

The exams are marked by City & Guilds. The assignment work is marked by your tutors and the marking is checked and verified by college quality assurance and City & Guilds moderators.

There are no formal entry requirements but a good understanding of English, both spoken and written, is beneficial. All applicants must attend an interview.

Financial Support

Depending on your situation, you may be able to access a range of financial support available.

Course Fees


We do not currently have fee information available for this course. Please contact us for further information.


Apply or enquire about this course

Please use the following links to make an application or enquiry about this course.




Apply online Make an enquiry Call 0800 358 7575